Toddler Program

  • Toddler Program
  • Toddler Program
  • Toddler Program

15 Months – 36 Months

Toddler 1

Toddlers are active, mobile, and energetic. Their worlds are expanding before their eyes. Our program is carefully designed to cultivate their growing curiosity with a balance of instruction and independence. Here, the exploration that was emphasized in the infant room is broadened and more self-directed. Our open concept space with rooms for each age group enables toddlers to learn in safe, contained environments, but also observe older students.

At this age, toddlers are beginning to learn that they’re part of a bigger world; they can do more and they can understand more. We embrace this by instilling and reinforcing self-help skills, often during snack or mealtimes. In addition to student-provided lunches, we offer healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. We believe this is the perfect time to help children learn to interact with each other and to identify and practice appropriate eating behavior.

Our days are intentionally structured through our emergent curriculum, providing toddlers with routine and flexibility. A typical day includes everything from outdoor nature walks to movement and exploration. Through our center-based approach and thematic planning, we channel the increased inquisitiveness that commonly materializes at this age.

Enrichment programs add to the overall experience in our toddler and preschool classrooms. We enjoy regular visits from guests like Fessenden ninth grade reading buddies; athletic-based groups, such as mobile soccer clinics for young children; or creative movement specialists who teach us how to move to music using our bodies, instruments, and other props. Through routines and unstructured exploration, we act as tour guides for the magical transition from infant to toddler when children become active decision-makers with their own special thoughts.


A Sample Day

  • 7:30 -­ 8:00  Arrival / Breakfast / Free Play: Blocks, Dramatic Play, Music Instruments
  • 8:00 – 8:15  Clean-Up Breakfast
  • 8:15 – 9:00  Tabletop Activities / Sensory Table Activity / Bathroom & Diapers: Playdough, Sand and Water Tables,  Pom Poms and Rice
  • 9:00 – 9:15  Clean-Up Activities and Snack
  • 9:15 – 9:45  Circle Time / Art Activity: Toilet Paper Roll Painting
  • 9:45 – 10:00  Get Ready to Go Outside
  • 10:00 – 11:00  Outdoor Activities: Nature Walk and Visit the Chicken Coop
  • 11:00 – 11:30  Bathroom / Prepare Lunch           
  • 11:30 – 12:00  Lunch Time
  • 12:00 – 12:30  Clean-Up Lunch / Bathroom / Rest Time Setup
  • 12:30 – 2:30  Rest Time
  • 2:30 – 3:15   Bathroom / Snack / Clean-Up Rest Mats
  • 3:15 – 3:30  Clean-Up Snack
  • 3:30 – 4:30  Go Home / Free Play / Outdoor Time: Playground Time!
Toddler Program

Toddler 2

Our Toddler 2 Program recognizes the subtle but significant changes that occur during these formative years. In this room the focus is on enhancing and fine tuning all of the skills and behaviors that come with a child’s growing independence. During their time in Toddler 2, the development of children’s pro-social and self-help skills become key components of the classroom environment.

Learning to take turns and share, understanding basic social skills, and following directions may seem like simple, instinctive life skills. But these concepts must be taught and they set a critical foundation for everyday interactions – from childhood all the way through adulthood. Our program is devised to help the whole child grow with increased opportunities for the exploration of creative arts, language arts, math, science, and fine and gross motor activities. By the end of the year, children are prepared for the new responsibilities they will have in preschool and beyond.

A typical day includes everything from cooking (yes, cooking!) to creative movement. Older toddlers pick vegetables and herbs that our preschoolers planted in raised garden beds in the natural playground. With them we make delicious and healthy snacks like pesto. As long as the weather is favorable, we spend lots of time outdoors. In the fall we might enjoy a nature walk and learn that leaves change colors with the seasons. When it snows, we practice things like zipping up our coats and putting on our hats. And in the spring and summer we capitalize on children’s innate curiosity about nature by teaching them that seeds, sunlight, and water are necessary components of gardening and growth.


A Sample Day

  • 7:30 -­ 9:00  Good Morning Routine/Discovery Time: Texture Table, Painting, Discovery Bottles
  • 9:00 – 9:20  Bathroom/Handwashing
  • 9:20 – 9:40  Morning Snack
  • 9:40 – 10:00 Group Time: Little Quack and “5 Yellow Ducks”
  • 10:00 – 11:10 Gross Motor Play: Bike Riding and Playground Chalk Art
  • 11:10 – 11:30 Bathroom/Handwashing
  • 11:30 – 12:00  Lunch Time
  • 12:00 – 12:20  Quiet Activities: Legos, Books, and Puzzles
  • 12:20 – 12:45  Clean Up/Prepare Rest Mats, Teeth Brushing/Bathroom
  • 12:45 -2:45   Rest Time
  • 2:45 – 3:05 Bathroom/Handwashing
  • 3:05 – 3:25  Afternoon Snack
  • 3:25 – 4:30  Goodbye Routine/Gross Motor Play/Free Play: Playground Time!
Preschool Program
If you would like to inquire about availability, or if you just want to have an informal conversation about our center, please contact us or schedule a visit.
Toddler Program
toddles playing with parachute
Toddler Program
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The teachers in Toddler 1 are great. They have such an amazing way with my sons. They are very gentle, kind, and the children love them.

Fessenden Children's Center, Child Care for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers, Newton Ma, quoteline